i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Junejune: Hahaahs, nice right!
I fell in love with it the moment i set my eyes on it!
Got it from gmarket~
Hello: Lol, so i presume you have the perfect face then?
ShuFen: Hahahas, the free facial voucher is GONE
the night i posted it up!
Xh: Aww, thanks dear!
Meiting: Hahahas, omg i must have look hooooorrendous.
Lol. You should've said hi! :D
Shirley: I miss you dear!
Wendi: Thanks sweetie! (:
Passer: Hahahahs, yeah, my face and character don't match as well!
Hahahas, normally when people see me they think i'm like
the kinda unfriendly bitchy kinda girl,
but i'm kinda like the total opposite!
Yuki: Eh, what does hormone type skin mean? Haha
Ettusais fan: Thank you! (:
Reader: I'm using a samsung NV4!
Jane: Lol, yah.
But since when does your face and voice have to match?
Your-Reader: Hahahas, aww, don't worry sweetie,
i won't let little comments like that affect me at all!
I still have sweeties like you! (: I got it from gmarket!
Reader: Haahas, thank you!
I think i confirm look very shagged when you saw me right!
Actually there's really no tips for walking properly in heels?
Hahahs, i guess you just have to get used to it,
and after awhile even a 4.5inch heels is nothing! (:
Linda: Hahahs, omg in the morning?
I must have looked super shaaaaagged andhorrendous!
Jocie: Awww! Thank you sweetie! (:
Girl: You can find Ettusais makeup counters at wisma isetan,
tampines isetan, bugis junction, shaw house etc! (:
Shu Fen: hahahs, you should go get it!
It's really gooooood~ i'm like using it everyday now. hahas
Mel: actually i have 3 full sized blusher brush at home,
and 2 mini kabuki brushes for my makeup pouch for
touch-ups when i'm out and on the go!
I wash the brushes like once a week?
Hahahs, too busy to wash everyday lah,
anyway no need to wash everyday one luh!
later all the brush hair drop off!
Anne: Lol, i'm not even trying to act cutesy my dear~
that is actually like how i sound, very kiddy-ish.
lol, i'm born with a very teh voice. So, nth i can do about it.
Elson: thank you! :D
Passerby: Thanks sweetie! (:
Gloria: Hahahas, no luh! Cos i'm so busy with my new job,
plus, there's so many tags to reeeeeeply! No timeeee!
Xoxo: thanks sweetie! :D
ShirleyG: No choice leeeeeh,
they keep renewing it! hahahahs i miss you! ):
bring me to bkk in your luggage pretty pleeeeease~
Helloooooo people!
I finally have like time to sit down to do a reeeeeal blogpost!
Ever since i started working 3 weeks ago,
everyday has been like so hectic and
i don't even have time for anything anymore! ):
I miss meeting my frieeeeeeeeeeends.
Boyf have been really sweet to come pick me up
at the mrt station near his place everynight after work,
and we'd go grab some food, go back to his place to watch
dvd then home, sleep, and work again!
And the cycle goes on and oooooooooon.
But i think i'm slowly adapting to this life,
afterall this is my 1st real real job,
i was so afraid that i cannot stand working life,
and it'll be so hard with the super long hours and stuff.
since i'm like used to working events, modelling and stuff.
But still, working is soooooo boring!
Wish i can use the internet when i'm working,
then i can blog EVERYDAY at work~!
Lol, i should like, stop ranting ALREADY!
when he fetched me to work the other day! :D
Pouts! But he killed my poor rose!
Anyway, finaaaaally had time to go get a hair cut last friday!
Finally finally finally finally lor!
My hair has been looking like a stack of haaaaaaay for the longest time!
And you know what?
Clover is celebrating their One Year Anniversay!
Time flies! Have clover really been opened for one year ALREADY?
Didn't even felt that long! Anyway, you must be thinking,
one year one year lor, WHAT IS THE BLOODY BIG DEAL?
Of course it's a big deal!
Because, to celebrate their One Year Anniversary,
Clover is having a 48% off ALL CHEMICAL SERVICES!
Yes, perming, rebonding, colouring, treatments and stuff,
ALL 48% off!
Isn't that such an awesome deal?
Do mention that you're Fidelis's reader/friend & family
and they would prolly give you 10% off if your hair cut as well!
Clover, #03-12 @ Far east plaza.
Do call Clover at 68362748 to make an appointment thou!
Raymond told me ever since this promotion started
they have been SOOOOO busy everyday!
After our hair cut, raymond asked if leon
and i would like to join them to go prawn fishing!

Boyf & Raymond

No falsies!

Omg.. guess guess guess what is she doing!
Clue 1: While she was doing it, i was totaaaaally freaking out!
Clue 2: it's long, eeky and it wrigggggggggglesssss!!!

She like totally open the container and started poking
and grabbing the worms and throwing them on the
mini "table" and started dissecting those
creeeeeepy eeeeeuuuuwwwwky things!
She's damn funny lor!
She's not scared of grabbing and dissecting WORMS,
and she's scared of CATS! OMG.
Omg, you know i uploaded these pictures to flickr,
and after it's uploaded and stuff i went to click "all sizes"
and the HUMONGUS size of this worm picture popped out
and it gave me goosebumps instantly. Daaaaaaaamn.

OMG. i'm like the kind of girl who will "siam" away
when i pass by a shop selling fishes and stuff,
cos they tend to have these, live worms and
dunno what weird ass bugs and stuff right.
Omfg, just imagine my ultra disgusted face when i took this picture.
The dissected worms are like still moving one lor!

The boyf's disgusting hand,
I warned him to not touch me with that hand. Ewwwww.

Raymond and Boyf mysteriously discussing
how they should end the poor prawn's life.

Raymond caught this prawns with these big ass "hands"
It's like bigger than the prawn itself. lol.
Pardon me, but i've no idea what's the term for prawn "hands"!
I was eating this Babystar tidbits thing,
it's something like marmie noodles, but it's just abit different,
and i guess i dropped a few pieces on the table
accidentally when i'm feeding boyf,
(don't want his disgusting worm hand to dig into my babystar LOR!)
Then it caught my eye and it SUDDENLY MOVEDDDD!
And when i looked carefully, hahahahahs, this is what i saw:

A bunch of ants moving my noodle. LOL.
it's so funny, like if you didnt look closely,
you won't even see the ants and
it really looked like a WALKING NOODLE!
Lol, i was very nice to move the tissue paper that was
blocking the walking noodles lor!
I'm a good citizen!

Boyf bought me a pair of gold jelly flats
when he was out running some errands for his sis in australia~!
So sweeeeet! Hehehe, so comfy after wearing heels like everyday!
Miss boyf's sis! she's like super funny one lor.

Hahahahas, FAIL LION!
Look so pathetic! Hahahahahas, half his mane is like gooone.
You guys should check out when you've got nth to do.
it's full of freaking funny shit!
Shopping shopping shopping online!

Ohhhhhh and and and. not forgetting these blogshops!
Going to work everyday = i need more pretty clothes!
So all thanks to all my lovely sponsers:
Whether you're a sweetie pie or your love your low cut v-neck dress,
you'll be able to find something you like in this blogshop!

I love how Genevieve (the lovely blogshop owner)
always bring in very versatile pieces and every collection
has something that suits everyone!

Love the lace top! :D

Sick of shopping in singapore?
Experience shopping in japan/korea right at the comfort of your home
as ToykoPink imports only good quality, unique pieces.

She's sending me this dress and i love how unique it looks!

You can find dresses/tops/bags for every occasion whether
you're out shopping/catching a movie with your girlfriend
or attending a wedding dinner!
Tokyo pink is offering free postage specially only for my readers!
Just state that you're Fidelis's reader when she sends you the invoice
and you'll get free postage!
Check out Private Closet!
She has just launched her latest collection over the weekend!

For the cutesy sunny girl,

to the sexy, saucy girl!

Remember to join their mailing list for their latest updates!
Sneak preview for ShopLifter's latest collection
that would be releasing tmr at 10am!

The latest collection would be full of basics that every girl would need!
Casual pieces for school and a relaxing day out!
I love it that this blogshop has everything from dresses,
accesories to gorgeous platform heels!

Anyway, Quote "Fidelis" when you're ordering
to enjoy a 10% discount on all items!
Sayonara, Loves!
Going out with boyf for dinner after boyf ends school later!
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